Technology Portfolio Catalog

The purpose of this catalog is to identify and maintain a list of all the technology in use across the enterprise, including hardware, infrastructure software, and application software. An agreed technology portfolio supports the lifecycle management of technology products and versions and also forms the basis for the definition of technology standards. The Technology Portfolio catalog provides a foundation on which to base the remaining matrices and diagrams. It is typically the start point of the Technology Architecture phase. Technology registries and repositories also provide input into this catalog from a baseline and target perspective. Technologies in the catalog should be classified against the defined taxonomy in use in the enterprise, such as the TOGAF TRM — see the TOGAF® Series Guide: The TOGAF® Technical Reference Model (TRM) — adapted as necessary to fit the classification of technology products in use. The Technology Portfolio catalog contains the following metamodel entities: Technology Service Logical Technology Component Physical Technology Component
Deliverable Section
Effort small
Effort medium
Effort large
Architecture Phase
Artefact type
Project Phase