
Quality Description
Accessibility The ability of the system to be used by people with disabilities.
Availability and Resiliency The ability of the system to be fully or partly operational as and when required and to effectively handle failures that could affect system availability.
Development Resource The ability of the system to be designed, built, deployed, and operated within known constraints around people, budget, time, and materials.
Evolution The ability of the system to be flexible in the face of the inevitable change that all systems experience after deployment, balanced against the costs of providing such flexibility.
Internationalization The ability of the system to be independent from any particular language, country, or cultural group.
Location The ability of the system to overcome problems brought about by the absolute location of its elements and the distances between them.
Performance and Scalability The ability of the system to predictably execute within its mandated performance profile and to handle increased processing volume.
Security The ability of the system to reliably control, monitor, and audit who can perform what actions on what resources and to detect and recover from failures in security mechanism.
Usability The ease with which people who interact with the system can work effectively.