Processing Diagram

Infrastructure Viewpoint 1
The Processing diagram focuses on deployable units of code/configuration and how these are deployed onto the technology platform. A deployment unit represents the grouping of business capability, service, or application components. The Processing diagram addresses the following: Which set of application components need to be grouped to form a deployment unit How one deployment unit connects/interacts with another (LAN, WAN, and the applicable protocols) How application configuration and usage patterns generate load or capacity requirements for different technology components The organization and grouping of deployment units depends on separation concerns of the presentation, business logic, and data store layers and service-level requirements of the components. For example, the presentation layer deployment unit is grouped based on the following: Application components that provide user interface or user access functions Application components that are differentiated by location and user roles There are several considerations to determine how application components are grouped together. Each deployment unit is made up of sub-units, such as: Installation: part that holds the executable code or package configuration (in case of packages) Execution: application component with its associated state at run time Persistence: data that represents the persistent state of the application component Finally, these deployment units are deployed on either dedicated or shared technology components (workstation, web server, application server, or database server, etc.). It is important to note that technology processing can influence and have implications on the services definition and granularity.
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Architecture Phase
Artefact type
Project Phase