Location Catalogue

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The Location catalogue provides a listing of all locations where an enterprise carries out business operations or houses architecturally relevant assets, such as data centers or end-user computing equipment. Maintaining a definitive list of locations allows change initiatives to quickly define a location scope and to test for completeness when assessing current landscapes or proposed target solutions. For example, a project to upgrade desktop operating systems will need to identify all locations where desktop operating systems are deployed. Similarly, when new systems are being implemented a diagram of locations is essential in order to develop appropriate deployment strategies that comprehend both user and application location and identify location-related issues, such as internationalization, localization, time zone impacts on availability, distance impacts on latency, network impacts on bandwidth, and access. The Location catalogue contains the following metamodel entities: Location
Deliverable Section
Effort small
Effort medium
Effort large
Architecture Phase
Artefact type
Project Phase