2.4 Gap Analysis

2.4 Gap Analysis

The purpose of this section is to define the gap between the current (as-is) and target (to-be) state architectures. It can be used by the domains that do not produce a full (current and target) or current state architecture but still want to know the (priority) areas on which to concentrate, and thus minimise effort. In terms of quality criteria, this section should make clear: - Description of the gap between the current (as-is) and target (to-be) state architectures. This difference, or delta, defines the scope of work that needs to be undertaken in order to transition from the current to the target architecture. This scope is thus the scope of the program(s) or project(s) that need to be completed in order to reach the target architecture.
Informs solution work packages.
Entry Criteria
Target architecture
mandatory section
risk type
Risk owner
Project Manager

Solution Options Report

The purpose of this section is to define the gap between the current (as-is) and target (to-be) state business architectures. Mandatory/optional: This section is optional as not all the domain teams need to produce a business architecture for their respective domains.