2.1 Mapping to Architecture Repository

No Content - Container only. The purpose of this section is to highlight (not describe in detail) patterns, standards, products, technologies that are relevant for or from the architecture. Each of the sub-sections (for this section) may either provide references to the relevant documentation that has been produced separately by the domains or provide the necessary information. In terms of quality criteria, this section should make clear: • Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or enterprise architecture-level patterns that have been used to help define the architecture • Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or enterprise architecture-level patterns that can be derived from the architecture • Any deviance from existing patterns and the reasons why • Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or enterprise architecture-level standards that have been used to help define the architecture • Any domain-specific, other domain-specific, or enterprise architecture-level standards that can be derived from the architecture • Any deviance from existing standards and the reasons why • Any assumptions regarding the use of patterns or standards Identify and encourage reuse or approve decisions to diverge from reuse principle.