2.2.1 Business Architecture Models

The purpose of this section is to define the current business architecture that is in scope for this exercise. Note: This section may be refined once the business architecture team has been set up. Note 2: The level of granularity at which the artifacts need to be defined is dependant on the level of detail that is required from the business architecture, and thus is a decision for the individual domains. Mandatory/optional: This section is optional as the domain may only wish to produce a target business architecture. Also, a degree of flexibility exists when documenting each of the sub-sections within this section. The domain only needs to produce the relevant artifacts from those highlighted in this section as per their needs. They do not need to produce all the artifacts, views, tables, etc. presented in this section. In terms of quality criteria, this section may make clear: • Any other relevant business architecture documentation • Context around any such relevant business architecture documentation; e.g., validity, ownership, purpose • Any assumptions regarding the business architecture documentation • Relevant views (diagrams) illustrating the business functions in scope for the current business architecture • Description of the business function view(s) • Definitions for the business functions (in table format) in scope for the current business architecture • Relevant views (diagrams) illustrating the organization structure and units in scope for the current business architecture • Description of the organization structure and units view(s) • Definitions for the organization structure and units (in table format) in scope for the current business architecture • Relevant views (diagrams) at the conceptual level illustrating the conceptual business services and their contracts (interactions) in scope for the current business architecture • Description of the conceptual- level view(s) in order to understand the architectural decisions that have been taken and resulting key messages for the stakeholders • Definitions for the conceptual business services (in table format) in scope for the current business architecture • Characteristics of the conceptual business services (in table format) in scope for the current business architecture • Descriptions of the contracts (interactions) between the conceptual business services (in table format) in scope for the current business architecture • If required, characteristics of the contracts (interactions) between the business services (in table format) in scope for the current business architecture • Relevant views (diagrams) at the logical level illustrating the business processes in scope for the current business architecture • Description of the logical level view(s) in order to understand the architectural decisions that have been taken and resulting key messages for the stakeholders • Definitions for the business processes (in table format) in scope for the current business architecture • Any relationships between the business function categories, business functions, business service categories, and business services that are in scope for the current business architecture • Any assumptions that have been used to define the current business architecture>>
used to inform target architecture development if understanding current state architecture is important.
mandatory section
risk type
Risk owner