Phase C - Application Architecture

Process-Application Realisation

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The purpose of the Process/Application Realization diagram is to clearly depict the sequence of events when multiple applications are involved in executing a business process. It enhances the Application Communication diagram by augmenting it with any sequencing constraints, and hand-off points between batch and real-time processing. It would identify complex sequences that could be simplified, and identify possible rationalization points in the architecture in order to provide more timely information to business users.

Software Distribution Diagram

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The Software Distribution diagram shows how application software is structured and distributed across the estate. It is useful in systems upgrade or application consolidation projects. This diagram shows how physical applications are distributed across physical technology and the location of that technology. This enables a clear view of how the software is hosted, but also enables managed operations staff to understand how that application software is maintained once installed.

Application Interaction Matrix

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The purpose of the Application Interaction matrix is to depict communications relationships between applications. The mapping of the application interactions shows in matrix form the equivalent of the Interface Catalog or an Application Communication diagram. The Application Interaction matrix is a two-dimensional table with Application Service, Logical Application Component, and Physical Application Component on both the rows and the columns of the table. The relationships depicted by this matrix include: Application Service consumes Application Service Logical App

Application Communication Diagram

Security related?
The purpose of the Application Communication diagram is to depict all models and mappings related to communication between applications in the metamodel entity. It shows application components and interfaces between components. Interfaces may be associated with data entities where appropriate. Applications may be associated with business services where appropriate. Communication should be logical and should only show intermediary technology where it is architecturally relevant.

Application Use-Case Diagram

An Application Use-Case diagram displays the relationships between consumers and providers of application services. Application services are consumed by actors or other application services and the Application Use-Case diagram provides added richness in describing application functionality by illustrating how and when that functionality is used. The purpose of the Application Use-Case diagram is to help to describe and validate the interaction between actors and their roles with applications.

Interface Catalog

The purpose of the Interface catalog is to scope and document the interfaces between applications to enable the overall dependencies between applications to be scoped as early as possible. Applications will create, read, update, and delete data within other applications; this will be achieved by some kind of interface, whether via a batch file that is loaded periodically, a direct connection to another application's database, or via some form of API or web service. The mapping of the Application Component-Application Component entity relationship is an important step as it enables the

Application/Function Matrix

The purpose of the Application/Function matrix is to depict the relationship between applications and business functions within the enterprise. Business functions are performed by organizational units. Some of the business functions and services will be supported by applications.

Application Migration Diagram

The Application Migration diagram identifies application migration from baseline to target application components. It enables a more accurate estimation of migration costs by showing precisely which applications and interfaces need to be mapped between migration stages. It would identify temporary applications, staging areas, and the infrastructure required to support migrations (for example, parallel run environments, etc).