
Location Catalogue

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The Location catalogue provides a listing of all locations where an enterprise carries out business operations or houses architecturally relevant assets, such as data centers or end-user computing equipment. Maintaining a definitive list of locations allows change initiatives to quickly define a location scope and to test for completeness when assessing current landscapes or proposed target solutions.

Functional Decomposition Diagram

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The purpose of the Functional Decomposition diagram is to show on a single page the capabilities of an organization that are relevant to the consideration of an architecture. By examining the capabilities of an organization from a functional perspective, it is possible to quickly develop models of what the organization does without being dragged into extended debate on how the organization does it. Once a basic Functional Decomposition diagram has been developed, it becomes possible to layer heat maps on top of this diagram to show scope and decisions.
example view

Conceptual Data Diagram

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The key purpose of the Conceptual Data diagram/Information Structure View is to depict the relationships between critical data entities within the enterprise. This diagram is developed to address the concerns of business stakeholders. Refer to DoE Conceptual Information Asset Model (16/489129) and develop project specific view. This view also needs to be included as part of the Information Security Assessment (ISA)

Application Portfolio Catalog

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The purpose of this catalog is to identify and maintain a list of all the applications in the enterprise. This list helps to define the horizontal scope of change initiatives that may impact particular kinds of applications. An agreed Application Portfolio allows a standard set of applications to be defined and governed. The Application Portfolio catalog provides a foundation on which to base the remaining matrices and diagrams.

Goal/Objective/Business Service Diagram

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The purpose of a Goal/Objective/Business Service diagram is to define the ways in which a business service contributes to the achievement of a business vision or strategy. Business services are associated with the drivers, goals, objectives, and measures that they support, allowing the enterprise to understand which business services contribute to similar aspects of business performance. The Goal/Objective/Business Service diagram also provides qualitative input on what constitutes high performance for a particular business service.
example view

Solution Concept Diagram

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A Solution Concept diagram provides a high-level orientation of the solution that is envisaged in order to meet the objectives of the architecture engagement.
example view